
Showing posts from August, 2010

On Amazon simpleDB and pagination again!

I finally got my google-style pagination working with JSP and Java servlets. Damn the select count(*) is interesting in SimpleDB. you gotta do something like: SelectRequest request = new SelectRequest(); String select_Expression = "select count(*) from dllcloud"; request.withSelectExpression(select_Expression); try { service = new AmazonSimpleDBClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey); SelectResponse response =; SelectResult result = response.getSelectResult(); List all_items = result.getItem(); for (Item item : all_items) { List attributeList = item.getAttribute(); for (Attribute attribute : attributeList) { if (attribute.isSetName()) { if (attribute.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Count")) { if (attribute.isSetValue()) {

Amazon Web Services, Java servlets, etc...

If you have an insight with regards to Amazon Web Services, especially SimpleDB, your help will be appreciated! I am hitting walls with the google-style paging issue here but at least I have a theoretical algorithm that works fine though not yet integrated into my CODE.

e-mail scams etc...

to all my great family and friends out there, watch out for e-mails like the one below: PHASE I - an e-mail in my spam from an unknown person with questionable credentials and all: Greetings From Mr.Barena lalado Dear Friend, For your kind attention. I will be very glad if you do assist me to relocate this sum of ( US$18.6M ) to your account for the benefit of our both families. This is a genuine business,only i cannot operate it alone without using a Foreigner who will stand as a beneficiary to the money, that is why i decided to contact you in a good manner to assist me and also to share the benefit together with me. By indicating your interest I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed. Please be informed that your utmost confidentiality is required. If this interests you, I want to remind you of the confidentiality of this Transaction at hand whatever your decision is. I await your urgent response,and fill those question below to enable u